Friday 20 May 2016

Dallas Christian College

Dallas Christian College's Chemistry Department offers an understudy majoring in science a solid establishment in principle and research center practice. Research center courses are a piece of the educational modules from the first year through the senior year. 

Undergrad research encounters outside of typical courses are accessible with staff guides and have been fiscally upheld by the Robert A. Welch Foundation for more than 25 years. 

Points of interest and Opportunities 

All classes and labs are taught by employees with Ph.D. degrees in science, not by TAs. Our classes are little and research centers are taught by staff. Employees are accessible to help understudies outside of class. 

All senior science understudies work one-on-one with an employee on an exploration venture in the senior class course. 

Offices incorporate four research centers and present day instrumentation. They contain: 

an atomic attractive reverberation spectrometer 

a high-weight fluid chromatograph 

a Fourier-change infrared spectrophotometer 

a PC interfaced bright noticeable spectrophotometer 

a FID hairlike segment gas chromatograph 

an examining fluorescence spectrophotometer 

instrumentation for electrochemical examinations 

what's more, a nuclear retention instrument 

Understudies may investigate the field of science through participation in Dallas Christian College's Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Chemical Society. 

Understudies keen on modern substance vocations may investigate that choice through support in the science office's Internship Program. 

It is feasible for understudies to get acknowledgment for Introductory Chemistry (CHEM 1404) and the main General Chemistry Course (CHEM 2415) through CLEP, AP, College Board Achievement, and International Baccalaureate exams. 

Undergrad Research Opportunities 

Other than the average tasks understudies complete in the senior workshop course, science real understudies might be welcome to partake in undergrad research ventures outside of ordinary coursework and get a stipend for their cooperation. 

Such understudies are assigned as Welch Undergraduate Research Scholars in light of the fact that the exploration system is bolstered by a Departmental Grant from the Robert A. Welch Foundation. 

Some of these ventures have been distributed in national diaries. Some have been displayed as notices at the yearly Celebration of Scholarship Symposium at Dallas Christian College or at other expert gatherings for physicists. 

After Graduation 

There is typically great interest for scientific experts in the work power. 

Numerous Dallas Christian College science graduates are rehearsing pharmaceutical and dentistry. Some science majors have gone ahead to doctoral level college and earned experts or Ph.D. degrees. Others are working in the compound business, in biochemical research centers, or are specializing in legal matters. Some science majors have gotten to be drug specialists and other wellbeing experts. 

What Next? 

On the off chance that you are amped up for Chemistry, there is no place you ought to preferably be than with us at Dallas Christian College. Perused more about our project in the course inventory. 

Anybody needing to comprehend God's work on the planet will appreciate seeking after a Christianity major or minor in the Department of Theology. This degree is particularly proper for those needing to serve the group of Christ as a clergyman in a congregation, an evangelist, somebody in parachurch service, or whatever setting God calls you. We esteem our Baptist legacy, however our staff and understudies are comprehensively fervent, drawing from an assortment of customs and groups. Along these lines, we invite any individual who might wish to ponder with us. 

The Christianity major is the broadest of our four college degrees. It is 38 credit hours long, with 17 hours of center classes, 15 hours of electives, and 6 hours of dialect. The center courses for the major are New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, History of Christianity, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, and the Senior Seminar. We additionally offer a wide assortment of electives which permit you to tailor your studies to your interests, for example, Jesus and the Gospels, Romans, the Christian Vocation, Revelation, Homiletics, Paul and His Letters, Isaiah, the Reformation, and Spiritual Formation. 

Our expansive project concentrating on Biblical Studies, Theology, and Practical Ministry will give you an establishment for an assortment of services and will set you up for graduate concentrates, for example, in our Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS), Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL), or a Master of Divinity (MDiv). 

Dallas Christian College offers a few sorts of grants to help our approaching understudies. Our understudies will particularly need to know about these grants . 

BGCT Scholarships 

The Baptist General Convention of Texas assets grants for our Southern Baptist understudies who are seeking after service as a work. The BGCT grant sum is presently $50 per credit hour for first year recruit and sophomores and $75 per credit hour for youngsters and seniors. Notwithstanding the denominational qualification prerequisites, understudies must take two classes amid their time at Dallas Christian College: the Christian Vocation and Baptist History. 

The BGCT likewise underpins understudies monetarily with the Mary Hill Davis Ethnic/Minority Scholarship. It at present gives $800/semester (for full-time understudies) who are from a non-Anglo foundation and are a piece of a BGCT church that is illustrative of his/her ethnic/minority legacy. Note: the grant application ought to be submitted specifically to the Mary Hill Davis Scholarship Office [not to Dallas Christian College] no later than April fifteenth. 

Contract Fellows 

The motivation behind the Covenant Fellows Program is to give understudies called to Christian service budgetary, individual and expert backing as they further their undergrad improvement into equipped and comprehensively taught clergymen/educators/ministers. Dallas Christian College agreements with our understudies and with neighborhood places of worship to give training and expert encounters that will demonstrate advantageous to both those considering in the project and those temples supporting and utilizing our clerical understudies. One of the huge advantages of support in the project is the offer to get up to $10,000 in grant cash per scholarly year. 

Further Graduate Studies: Seminary and Other Options 

Most understudies planning for service seek after some kind of graduate degree to help them further get ready for service. Generally, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it gives the most balanced and hearty preparing for service. Our 72 hour MDiv sets you up for Bible study and scholarly information, as well as it spotlights on your self-improvement as a Christian and a pastor to the congregation through viable experience. Like the MDiv, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) intended to address the issues of those get ready for professional or lay service or who simply need to facilitate their very own advancement. For understudies that desire to seek after an all the more scholastically engaged and shorter degree, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) that gives the center establishment coveted by temples, however gives you more adaptability in course determination. 

There are an assortment of approaches to connect with the Department of Theology : We're on Facebook, we have a group blog, we offer a yearly Theology Conference, and we have consistent addresses by prevalent researchers as a major aspect of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series. 

The BFA in Cinematic Arts gives understudies a far reaching instruction in filmmaking and video creation. Notwithstanding the foundational CNMA classes, our Cinematic Arts understudies take various classes inside particular territories of specialization, for example, screenwriting, coordinating, altering, or cinematography. The degree likewise offers various classes in film history and hypothesis intended to give understudies imperative establishments to their masterful work. The last year of the Cinematic Arts degree is centered around workforce coordinated practicums and a two-semester Senior Project intended to showcase the understudy's best true to life abilities. 

The Program 

Imaginative Foundations — The Cinema and New Media Arts program utilizes true to life works of art and awesome craftsmanship as an establishment whereupon our understudies fabricate. We begin by thinking back and concentrating on the experts movie producers like Hitchcock or Bergman, as well as great craftsmen like Shakespeare and Michelangelo. Understudies are presented to a wide scope of styles, thoughts, and methodologies with the goal that they can comprehend the more extensive connection of their work as true to life craftsmen in our cutting edge world. This sort of vital stylish preparing is regularly left to specific graduate projects and is to a great extent disregarded in the undertaking focused preparing that most undergrad film programs tend to offer, however we trust it is vital to set up our understudies to be the best specialists and storytellers in today's realistic mediums.Refined Through Experience — We likewise trust that the most ideal path for craftsmen to ace their art is by really doing it — making movies and media, getting input from companions and bearing from guides, then doing it over and over and once more, like what understudies in customary workmanship projects may experience. All things considered, more than 33% of an understudy's course work is revolved around functional, hands-on encounters as they work all alone activities or backing their cohorts on bigger creations. These tasks are constantly managed by our personnel, who work with the understudies to offer further guideline and course. 

A Christ-Centered Education — Within every one of this, we likewise concentrate on our obligations as craftsmen of confidence. Understudies concentrate how Christians have contemplated society and craftsmanship all through chapel history and are tested to comprehend their business as media makers from a scriptural viewpoint. Out of this, understudies build up a comprehension of how to experience their confidence through their work as they look to influence the way of life around them

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