Friday 20 May 2016

Criswell College

Bookkeeping is the dialect of business. At Criswell College, our bookkeeping majors examine an assortment of bookkeeping fortes including cost bookkeeping, government and charitable, review, tax collection, and global bookkeeping. This expansive range gives our understudies the aptitudes required in the commercial center. 

Our educational modules is intended to get ready understudies for the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam. Notwithstanding get ready understudies scholastically, the school likewise plans understudies for life in the bookkeeping calling. Upon graduation, the understudies have broad involvement in working in gatherings, critical thinking and basic considering, which are key for a profession in bookkeeping. The school uses its expert system to welcome an assortment of business experts to grounds. Whether it's giving a visitor address, performing mock meetings or investigating continues, the understudies are getting input about this present reality from bookkeeping experts. What's more, a considerable lot of our understudies get temporary jobs and/or full time positions with expansive, universal bookkeeping firms. 

After Graduation 

Understudies graduating with a degree in bookkeeping are set up to go straightforwardly into the work drive or enter a graduate project in business. A graduate degree offers the graduate a 10 to 20 percent beginning pay premium. Also, bookkeepers are every now and again required to exhibit specialized fitness by method for accreditation. The most widely recognized confirmations that bookkeepers seek after incorporate the Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the Certified Management Accountant (CMA), the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Corporate Financial Management (CFM). 

Next Step 

Is Accounting for you? Apply Now. 

Criswell College additionally offers The Master of Accountancy (MACCT) degree. 

Bookkeeping majors may decide on a fifth-year to seek after the MACCT degree. This degree is composed particularly for the undergrad bookkeeping major in the Dunham College of Business at Criswell College who means to sit for the CPA endless supply of degree prerequisites. Endless supply of degree necessities, the understudy is granted both the BBA and the MACCT. 

Scriptural Languages 

The Biblical Languages major and minor at Criswell College are intended for understudies who craving to peruse and translate the Christian Scriptures inside their social, authentic and semantic connections. The major or minor in Biblical Languages is proper for people get ready for professional service and any genuine understudy of the scriptural conventions. The major incorporates Advanced Reading and Syntax in both Hebrew and Greek, while the minor system incorporates fundamental sentence structure for both Hebrew and Greek and Reading and Syntax II in Hebrew or Greek. 

A hefty portion of our understudies have gone ahead to take part in expert's and doctoral graduate work at top scriptural dialect programs. Also, numerous go ahead to end up ministers, preachers, Bible interpreters, dialect teachers, love pioneers, and youth pastors in places of worship and schools all through the world. 

e: the grant application ought to be submitted straightforwardly to the Mary Hill Davis Scholarship Office [not to Criswell College] no later than April fifteenth. 

Pledge Fellows 

The reason for the Covenant Fellows Program is to give understudies called to Christian service money related, individual and expert backing as they further their undergrad improvement into able and comprehensively taught pastors/educators/preachers. Criswell College pledges with our understudies and with nearby places of worship to give training and expert encounters that will demonstrate valuable to both those examining in the system and those temples supporting and utilizing our pastoral understudies. One of the huge advantages of interest in the project is the offer to get up to $10,000 in grant cash per scholarly year. 

Further Graduate Studies: Seminary and Other Options 

Most understudies get ready for service seek after some sort of graduate degree to help them further get ready for service. Generally, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) has been the standard degree, as it gives the most balanced and hearty preparing for service. Our 72 hour MDiv sets you up for Bible study and scholastic information, as well as it spotlights on your self-awareness as a Christian and a pastor to the congregation through down to earth experience. Like the MDiv, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL) intended to address the issues of those get ready for professional or lay service or who simply need to advance their very own improvement. For understudies that desire to seek after an all the more scholastically engaged and shorter degree, we offer a 36 hour Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS) that gives the center establishment fancied by holy places, yet gives you more adaptability in course determination. 

There are an assortment of approaches to draw in the Department of Theology : We're on Facebook, we have a group blog, we offer a yearly Theology Conference, and we have general addresses by superior researchers as a major aspect of the A.O. Collins Lecture Series. 

Notwithstanding our Biology real, Criswell College additionally offers a Biochemistry-Molecular Biology (BCMB) major. 

Natural chemistry Molecular Biology is an interdisciplinary major with courses in science, science, material science and arithmetic. 

It is a noteworthy for those looking for a test. 

This major consolidates the preparation required for understudies to go after spaces in restorative school, dental school or graduate projects in the natural sciences, notwithstanding section level occupation in biomedical exploration at scholastic establishments and in the biotechnology business. 

To facilitate the understudy research encounter, the Biology Department at Criswell College offers a Biology Honors program for outstanding Biology or Biochemistry-Molecular Biology majors. The Biology Honors program comprises of a year-long free research venture under the direction of a Biology employee. Chosen understudies direct their exploration on a point of their decision and after that compose and protect a theory. Understudies will get course acknowledgment for their work and a "Distinctions" documentation on their transcript. Contact Dr. Lisa Ellis for more data. 

Organic chemistry Molecular Biology understudies are urged to apply for summer positions in exploration foundations. Understudies from Criswell College have been acknowledged into summer research programs at University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, University of Houston, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, and Rice University. 

Natural chemistry Molecular Biology and Biology are housed in the Department of Biology. However, the whole College of Science and Mathematics is included in the Biochemistry-Molecular Biology major. 

We realize that you're an excited learner of the most astounding respectability. You think about science and you need to know all the more consistently. 

On the off chance that you need to be aggressive in medicinal school, dental school, graduate projects in the natural sciences, and other wellbeing callings professions, or on the off chance that you are looking for passage level livelihood in biomedical examination at scholastic organizations and in the biotechnology business, then read on. 

Program Description 

Criswell College has a set up history of effective pre-Health Professions programs. 

The science program here at Criswell College stresses the biomedical sciences. The system gives readiness to pre-therapeutic, pre-dental, pre-drug store, pre-doctor right hand, pre-optometry, and pre-exercise based recuperation proficient schools, and additionally preparing for work in examination labs and educator training and backing of the nursing programs. 

The science division is particularly solid in the ranges of microbiology, histology, physiology, hereditary qualities, virology, sub-atomic science, immunology, and cell science. 

Since learning through examination is a remarkable approach to create logical personalities, all science majors will take an interest in undergrad research in required classes. 

Go look at our Criswell College Biology Facebook page to see what we're doing, the most recent in natural achievements, and how we have some good times! 

Points of interest and Opportunities 

All classes and labs are taught by employees with earned PhDs in different regions of science. They are specialists in science who appreciate instructing and helping understudies to learn. 

Our little classes encourage tutoring by cultivating a compatibility amongst understudies and staff amid the course and proceeding with later outside of the classroom. Every employee comprehends the significance of tutoring understudies and is focused on helping you to develop and thrive in your comprehension of science and of yourself. 

Every year, we put understudies in practicums at different therapeutic schools and research labs, including M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the University of Texas Health Science Centers at Galveston and Houston, and Baylor College of Medicine. These practicums permit understudies to enhance their instruction while working in the labs of a portion of the main researchers in the nation. 

Offices incorporate four research facilities outfitted with cutting edge instrumentation. Specifically, these labs contain electrophoresis gear for isolating DNA and protein, a PCR-thermocycler for intensifying DNA, high-weight fluid chromatograph (HPLC), hardware for tissue society and bacterial society, spectrophotometers, BIOPAC gear for human and creature physiology trials, and PCs for information examination and test instrumentation. 

The Biology Department at Criswell College offers a Biology Honors program for outstanding Biology or Biochemistry-Molecular Biology majors. The Biology Honors program comprises of a year-long autonomous examination venture under the direction of a Biology employee. Chosen understudies lead their examination on a point of their decision and afterward compose and protect a theory. Understudies will get course kudos for their work and a "Distinctions" documentation on their transcript. Contact Dr. Lisa Ell

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